Hello there, traveler of the internet! Perhaps we’ve met before, perhaps not, but either way welcome to my little place on the Web. Here you’ll find my thoughts and musings on the world of SEO, digital marketing, technology and related topics. This site is a collection of my writings about SEO and the industry where I’ve made my career the last two decades. It reflects my work life and not my whole life. And let’s face it, work is not life. But it plays a necessary part. And in my case at least, a personally fulfilling part.
I’ve been in SEO so long I already retired once. I co-founded my own agency long ago, sold it to a larger one, and we sold that again to another one, which was acquired by a public holding company. You can read about my career history over here if you care to know how I got here. Now I’m busy consulting great companies on all aspects of SEO, with a focus on coaching and advisory, SEO strategy, and program oversight. My team helps companies build out and scale their SEO capabilities. I also work closely with agencies that are either preparing for M&A or going through acquisition due to my deep experience in integrations. If you need a seasoned pro to help you grow your agency or develop your in-house capability, that’s exactly what I do.
Head over to the blog if you want to read what I’m thinking these days. In addition to a career in SEO, and far more importantly, I’m a husband and father. I read a lot, play golf in the summer, and snowboard in the winter. I like bikes. I have varied interests and hobbies. I’m a collector and a wanderer. I stare at the stars a lot.
Life is a serious game, and I’m all in. If you need to contact me, please do so.
“There is a soul at the centre of nature, and over the will of every man, so that none of us can wrong the universe.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson